Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Here is a new article on ESPN Chicago titled “Cubs fire Oneri Fleita”.

A few weeks ago a prominent baseball reporter told me “MLB runs a cartel and could care less if it ruins people's lives.”

Book excerpt:

Oneri Flieta talks to me/Recommends I think about my family - Daytona FL 2001

After I got called down from Double-A Oneri Flieta, Cubs director of Minor League Operations, sat down and had a chat with me outside the clubhouse. Our pitchers practice had just ended and I was taking off my cleats when Oneri sat down next to me and told me I should think about my family and my future. At the time of this conversation I was only 22 years old. Why were the Cubs trying to get me to quit?

To learn more please visit

Friday, August 3, 2012

"I read some of your blog and you hit the nail on the head with a lot of things. I would love to go more in-depth on what I liked but our company has a one voice policy where *** is the only person that publicly makes comments. Between you and me I feel that the draft and the new regulations are terrible for baseball and the parity that we see today will quickly go away. The owners are making more money than ever but now they are nickel and dimming the amateur players. As you know this all goes against the foundation of our free market society. We actually treat the international players better than our own. I appreciate the work you are trying to do to spread the word and I will forward your blog onto anyone that I come across that needs to have their eyes open."
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